miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

Fichas bilingües natural science (4º,5º,6º).

Os dejamos las fichas del primer trimestre de natural science para ver y descargar desde el siguiente enlace:


Fichas bilingües social science (4º,5º,6º).

Os dejamos las fichas del primer trimestre de social science para ver y descargar desde el siguiente enlace:


This is Halloween!

El día 31 de octubre con motivo de Halloween, desde la asignatura de ingles, el primer ciclo de primaria ha realizado diferentes manualidades y actividades para celebrar esta fiesta tan popular en Reino Unido y Estados Unidos.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018


Desde el equipo de plurilingüismo os damos la bienvenida al blog de inglés del curso escolar 2018/2019. Esperamos que toda la información que compartamos en este blog sea de vuestra ayuda para  las asignaturas de inglés y bilingüismo. En él, encontraréis recursos, actividades, canciones, fotos de los trabajos/proyectos y festividades celebradas durante el curso escolar.

Os invitamos a que lo utilicéis y os divirtáis

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

2º ESO Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Hi Guys!!

Os dejamos unas actividades de repaso de la Gramática del TEMA 1 Present Simple Vs Present Continuous. 
Recordad que si las realizáis debéis hacerlas en el cuaderno para que quede reflejado vuestro trabajo. El solucionario lo tenéis al final.

Good Luck!

  1. Julie ____________ (read) in the garden.
  2. What ____________ (we / have) for dinner tonight?
  3. She ____________ (have) two daughters.
  4. I ____________ (stay) in Spain for two weeks this summer.
  5. He often ____________ (come) over for dinner.
  6. The class ____________ (begin) at nine every day.
  7. What ____________ (you / eat) at the moment?
  8. What ____________ (Susie / do) tomorrow?
  9. I ____________ (not / work) on Sundays.
  10. She ____________ (not / study) now, she ____________ (watch) TV.
  11. How often ____________ (you / go) to restaurants?
  12. I ____________ (not / go) on holiday this summer.
  13. I'm sorry, I ____________ (not / understand).
  14. She ____________ (work) as a waitress for a month.
  15. She ____________ (take) a salsa dancing class every Tuesday.
  16. It ____________ (be) cold here in winter.
  17. Take your umbrella, it ____________ (rain).
  18. This cake ____________ (taste) delicious.
  19. The bag ____________ (belong) to Jack.
  20. When ____________ (you / arrive) tonight?

    1. Julie is reading in the garden.
    2. What are we having for dinner tonight?
    3. She has two daughters.
    4. I'm staying in Spain for two weeks this summer.
    5. He often comes over for dinner.
    6. The class begins at nine every day.
    7. What are you eating at the moment?
    8. What is Susie doing tomorrow?
    9. I don't work on Sundays.
    10. She isn’t studying now, she's watching TV.
    11. How often do you go to restaurants?
    12. I'm not going on holiday this summer.
    13. I'm sorry, I don't understand.
    14. She is working as a waitress for a month.
    15. She takes a salsa dancing class every Tuesday.
    16. It's cold here in winter.
    17. Take your umbrella, it's raining.
    18. This cake tastes delicious.
    19. The bag belongs to Jack.
    20. When are you arriving tonight?

3º ESO Past Simple VS Past Continuous

Hi Guys!!

Os dejamos unas actividades de repaso de la Gramática del TEMA 1 Past Simple Vs Past Continuous. 
Recordad que si las realizáis debéis hacerlas en el cuaderno para que quede reflejado vuestro trabajo. El solucionario lo tenéis al final.

Good Luck!

Exercise 1

1. We ___________________________ (play) volleyball with Mary, when you
___________________________(call) me.
2. When the teacher ___________________________(come) in, they ___________________________ (study) English.
3. The baby ___________________________ (sleep) when the telephone ___________________________(ring).
4. While I ___________________________ (walk) in the streets of Holland, I ___________________________ (meet) an old friend of mine.
5. I ___________________________ (lose) my car keys.
6. I was looking for my purse when I ___________________________ (drop) my credit card.
7. My uncle ___________________________ (take) me to the airport yesterday.
8. She ___________________________ (dance) when she hurt her ankle.
9. It ___________________________ (rain) heavily when I got up.
10. I ___________________________ (see) the thief while he ___________________________ (get) into my neighbor’s house.

Exercise 2

Last night, while I was doing my homework, Angela __________________ (call). She said she ___________________(call) me on her cell phone from her biology classroom at UCLA. I asked her if she _________________ (wait) for the class, but she said that the professor was in front of her speaking while she ___________________ (talk) to me. I couldn't believe she ________ ____________ (make) a phone call during the class. I asked what was going on.
She said her biology professor was so boring that several of the students _________________ _________ (sleep, actually) in class. Some of the students ________________________ (talk) about their plans for the weekend and the student next to her ______________________(draw) a picture of a horse. When Angela _____________________ (tell) me she was not satisfied with the class, I _____________________(mention) that my biology professor was quite good and ___________________________ (suggest) that she switch to my class.
While we were talking, I _______________________(hear) her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a phone call?" Suddenly, the line went dead. I ________________________(hang) up the phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner. As I ____________________________ (cut) vegetables for a salad, the phone rang once again. It _________________________ (be) Angela, but this time she wasn't sitting in class.

 Exercise 1 

1. We were playing volleyball with Mary when you called me.2. When the teacher came in, they were studying English.3. The baby was sleeping when the telephone rang.4. While I was walking in the streets of Holland, I met an old friend of mine.5. I lost my car keys.
6. I was looking for my purse when I dropped my credit card.7. My uncle took me to the airport yesterday.8. She was dancing when she hurt her ankle.9. It was raining heavily when I got up.
10. I saw the thief while he was getting into my neighbor’s house.

Exercise 2

Last night, while I was doing my homework, Angela (call) called. She said she (call) was calling me on her cell phone from her biology classroom at UCLA. I asked her if she (wait) was waiting for class, but she said that the professor was at the front of the hall lecturing while she (talk) was talking to me. I couldn't believe she (make) was making a phone call during the lecture. I asked what was going on.
She said her biology professor was so boring that several of the students (sleep, actually) were actually sleeping in class. Some of the students (talk) were talking about their plans for the weekend and the student next to her (draw) was drawing a picture of a horse. When Angela (tell) told me she was not satisfied with the class, I (mention) mentioned that my biology professor was quite good and (suggest) suggested that she switch to my class.
While we were talking, I (hear) heard her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a phone call?" Suddenly, the line went dead. I (hang) hung up the phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner. As I (cut) was cutting vegetables for a salad, the phone rang once again. It (be) wasAngela, but this time she wasn't sitting in class.

4º ESO/ 3º ESO Present Perfect VS Past Simple

Hi Guys!!

Os dejamos unas actividades de repaso de la Gramática del TEMA 1 Present Perfect Vs Past Simple. 
Recordad que si las realizáis debéis hacerlas en el cuaderno para que quede reflejado vuestro trabajo. El solucionario lo tenéis al final.

Good Luck!

1. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in past simple or present perfect.

1.     She loves New York. She ..................... (be) there manytimes.
2.    Sally ....................... (work) in that company for 3 years. (She still worksthere).
3. He ....................... (go) to Germany when he ....................... (be) only 4.
4. I ....................... (read) that book. It´sgood.
5. His parents ....................... (be) here yesterday.
6. I ....................... (have) a couple of toasts for breakfast thismorning.
7.    He ....................... (live) in Paris since he was ateenager.
8.     The house looks different. .......... you .............. (paint)it?
9.     I ....................... (not see) you in class lastMonday.
10.  Shakespeare ....................... (write) over one hundredsonnets.

2. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box in present perfect or past simple.

be not
finish                                      stop
smoke                   enjoy                                      win
watch live


Daniel ............... smoking two months ago.

She ............... for two months.

......... you ever .......... to Italy?

......... you ........... that TV show last night?

They still live in that town. They ............... there for ages.

A friend of mine ............... the lottery three years ago.

When ........... you ........... your homework?

They ............... themselves at the party last summer.

Exercise 1:

1.     She loves New York. She has been there manytimes.
2.     Sally has worked in that company for 3 years. (She still works there). 
3.     He went to Germany when he was only4.
4.     I have read that book. It´sgood.
5.     His parents were here yesterday.
6.    I had a couple of toasts for breakfast thismorning.
7.     He has lived in Paris since he was ateenager.
8.     The house looks different. Have you paintedit?
9.    I didn´t see you in class lastMonday.
10.  Shakespeare wrote over one hundredsonnets

Exercise 2:

1.     Daniel stopped smoking two monthsago.
2.     She hasn´t smoked for twomonths.
3.    Have you ever been toItaly?
4.     Did you watch that TV show lastnight?
5.    They still live in that town. They have lived there forages.
6.     A friend of mine won the lottery three yearsago.
7.     When did you finish yourhomework?
8.     They enjoyed themselves at the party lastsummer.